Full inspection
When it comes to your roof, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Considering Quebec’s climate and increasingly frequent storms, a thorough inspection of your roof can help you avoid costly repairs, significantly extend its life and preserve the integrity of your building for a long time.


Inspecting the exterior
We start with an inspection at ground level looking at the siding for signs of deterioration, and then we assess the insulation, particularly in areas where ice forms on the roof.
Inspecting the interior
We look for signs of water infiltration, including peeling paint, cracked joints, and warping drywall in the building. We also look at temperature fluctuations in different rooms of the house.
Inspecting the attic
Signs of moisture like the presence of mold or tarnished, compacted insulation wool can be detected in the attic. We pay particular attention to openings and the temperature of the attic.
Inspecting the ventilation
We make sure that the roof vents are properly connected to the air outlets. Our team also ensures that the attic areas are appropriately ventilated, with intake vents and exhaust vents to optimize circulation.
Inspecting the gutters and roof edges
We check the condition of gutters and roof edges looking for damage like cracks, warping, and obstructions caused by debris.
Inspecting the roof
We check to make sure all the openings, air vents, and chimneys are in good condition and function properly to prevent water from infiltrating the building.
Inspecting the shingles
We examine the state of the shingles to make sure they are strong. Shingles that are worn out will not adequately protect the roof, and can be ripped away by strong winds over time.
Inspecting structural integrity
Our roofing specialists check the structural integrity of your building by carefully walking on the roof. Slight movement of the plywood is acceptable in certain situations but that can only be confirmed by a specialist.


We recommend inspecting your roof once a year, ideally in the fall or after a particularly strong wind or ice storm. This allows you to repair any minor issues on the spot and avoid bigger problems and additional costs later on.

The experts at Couvra will perform a thorough inspection of your roof and provide you with a detailed roofing health report. The checkup covers several criterias including the state of your roof, the waterproofing, the integrity of the structure, its resistance to harsh weather, the condition of the insulation and ventilation, etc. If necessary, you’ll be informed of the steps you should take to protect the integrity of your roof.